Jamie Webb smashes All-comers record & European indoor qualifing time
Mon, 21st Jan 19Non Thomas New Year Open 2019 Report & Results
Jamie Webb ran 1:47.63 and in the process broke the 800m All-comers record and also hit the Euro Qualifing time. This performance gave him the Non Thomas Performance award for 2019 (picture below). Other outstanding performances included Kieran Clements 7:55.11 in the 3000m missing the Euro standard by just 0.11s, but there was joy for John Travers who hit the Irish qualifing standard. In the 1500m Piers Copeland added the 1500m club record to his 3000m from the Christmas Classic, this time stopping the clock at 3:44.46.
In the sprints Cardiff Met students Mica Moore and Melissa Roberts had a fantastic battle over both 60m and 200m, ending 1-1 in the bragging rights! Hannah Tapley and Chris Baker both made high jump victories look routine with more to come from both.
Overall, a brilliant meeting with over 500 entries, 77 races and a full field programme.
Thank you to all our officials, volunteers and helpers as both participation and performance at its very best!
results: www.results.welshathletics.org

Jamie Webb & Roger Thomas