Nominations for 2017-18 Committee

Wed, 19th Apr 17

Hello Everyone

With BUCS and the final exam / assessment period nearly upon us I would like to start the process of electing next year’s club committee. The committee are a vital part of the smooth and effective running of the club and form a vital link between the members and staff. Below are a list of brief (not exhaustive) role descriptions for the various positions up for nomination. This is a fantastic opportunity to add to your athletics experience whilst at university, gain valuable skills that will contribute to your later aspirations or discover a new way to participate in athletics beyond competing. Positions are available to all current club members and are awarded based on a membership vote.

WHO? Morgan

Seven Elected positions;

  1. Club President

–             Works closely with James, Matt and the club secretary to run the club for the members

Key duties include;

–              Lead recruitment @ Freshers Fayre, Welcome Freshers and returning members @ introduction meeting (Sep).

–              Support athletes’ day to day training and club engagement.

–              Point of contact for all current and prospective members.

–              Organising kit orders with secretary and captains.

–              Coordinate meetings and communication with committee.

–              Support running of the indoor GP series

  1. Track and Field Captain (Men’s & Women’s)Screen Shot 2015-05-05 at 17.34.55

–              Support club president in athlete engagement and recruitment

–              Attend club competitions

–              Support running of the Indoor GP series

–              Support distribution of kit to athletes

–              Selection and team planning varsity match (Nov & Feb)

–              Team Manager role at varsity match (Nov & Feb)

–              Plan and organise social events; Christmas, post varsity and BUCS outdoors.

Vice Captain (elected from second most votes achieved for captaincy)

Support above

  1. Cross Country Captain (Men’s & Women’s) lucy-web-profile

–              Lead on Gwent League team planning and management

–              Support BUCS cross Country Championships

–              Support endurance athletes with day to day club activity

–              Support club captains were appropriate


Non Elected Positions (informal chat following nominations);

Club Media Coordinator and Media Officers (Multiple positions available)

  • Organise, coordinate and produce media coverage for all Cardiff Met Athletics Club activities using a range of social and media platforms (e.g. Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, website…)
  • Support the running of the indoor GP series.
  • This is an opportunity to be innovative and creative!

The best way to find out about each of the roles is to speak to a current member of the committee! Follow this link


Get nominating! Or nominate yourself!

We are accepting nominations for this year’s vote NOW. Please make nominations via email to Matt, James and Morgan using the following email addresses ([email protected], [email protected], [email protected] )


Following BUCS we will release an online voting link that will remain open for one week so you can cast your votes (5th-12th May) The successful candidates will be announced on 12th May!